Laura Woodley
Naturopath and Intolerance Therapist
Health Sense in Cambridge provides safe, natural therapies including Naturopathy, Gut Health checks, Food Intolerance Testing, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Lifestyle Advice and more.
Functional pathology testing may also be used to develop a deeper understanding of your symptoms.
Natural therapies are safe and suitable for all ages.
The therapies cover a wide range of health concerns including:
Digestive conditions (E.g IBS, SIBO, Bloating, Relux...)
Skin conditions (E.g Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne...)
Candida and leaky gut
Chronic health conditions
Allergies/intolerances, food and environmental sensitivities
Chronic fatigue/Fibromyalgia
Poor Immunity
Low mood
Fertility Issues
Sleep Problems
Aches and pains
General health and wellbeing
And more...
Explore what we have to offer at Health Sense
Intolerance testing
We test over 200 substances and cover a wide range of areas, including food, drink, additives, environmental toxins, parasites, neurotransmitters, endocrine system, toxin and waste removal and a few more.
During the session, the goal is to identify what stressors are inhibiting the client’s optimum health and well-being.
IV vitamin therapy
IV Therapy infuses vitamins and minerals directly into your bloodstream delivering the valuable nutrients your body needs.​Rejuvenate and strengthen yourself, now.
Early Gender DNA Test
Boy or Girl?
Know sooner than ever before.