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Lets work together to get you feeling better again.

What do we test for at
Health Sense

We test over 180 substances and cover a wide range of areas, including food, drink, additives, environmental toxins, parasites, neurotransmitters, endocrine system, toxin and waste removal and a few more.


During the session, the goal is to identify what stresses are inhibiting the client’s optimum health and well-being.


Testing is performed on an energetic level so this is not a diagnosis and no medical advice is given during the session.


Once these stresses are identified, various protocols are used to eliminate them.


Clients might be taught naturopathic techniques and given nutritional advice to implement between the sessions.

So, what are these stressors and how do they affect me?

Emotional Stress

It is now widely accepted that there is a profound connection between the physical and the psychological. By working on the deep seated limiting beliefs, psychological traumas and conditioned responses, I witness clients feeling better both physically and emotionally.

Food Allergies, Sensitivities, Intolerances

People can often be allergic to different foods without having an immediate and obvious reaction. A histamine response to a food that the body is allergic to will compromise it’s ability to heal. A small selection of foods that people are commonly allergic to are routinely tested for in the sessions. I also have a test kit with food and drink items, which can be used for a more in-depth testing, on request. Sometimes an allergy, sensitivity or an intolerance can be corrected. Usually, people have to avoid these foods for a short while and in some cases for prolonged periods of time. It is important to note that food sensitivities can change so it is prudent to retest after a period of time.

Pollen Sensitivities 

Pollens can also be an irritant in some individuals. In most cases we can identify these using in house test kits. Sometimes however it is preferred to bring local pollens, especially as they can change from year to year. An easy method for pollen collection is taught in the session. If grass pollens are positive, they often have a high correlation with grain sensitivities and dysbiosis, which then need to be addressed.

Chemical Toxicity

Chemical that are tested for are food additive, dentals, industrial and environmental, pesticides, personal care and so on. Some people are not efficient at detoxing chemical toxicity. Once chemical toxicity sensitivities are identified, an individual will be advised to avoid chemicals by leading a more organic life style. Various detox techniques and supplementation are also implemented to assist the body in elimination of the toxic build up. It is important to note that dysbiosis, food sensitivities and nutrient deficiencies are a major cause of chemical sensitivity and has to be corrected to achieve lasting results.

Heavy Metal Toxicity

Heavy metal toxicity can be a real issue for some people. Problem can arise either from over exposure or from not being able to break down and/or excrete them. There are a number of heavy metals such as mercury, aluminium, copper, lead and so on that are harmful if they build up in the body. We are exposed to them in every day life. For example, sources of mercury toxicity can be: mercury fillings, vaccinations or fish such as tuna. Aluminium can be found in pots and pans, drinking water, rice, cheese, medications and vaccinations. It might seem like removal of mercury fillings and heavy metal detox is the obvious thing to do but…. if done too soon and too fast, it can cause more problems than the client came in for because detoxification pathways may not be in place to handle the release of heavy metals.


Infection can be anything from fungus, bacteria, virus, parasites and worms. Candida, H. Pylori and SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) fall under this category. If infections come up, we discern, which type of infection it is and where it came from. For example, a fungal infection could be from a mouldy house and unless this source of the fungal infection is addressed, other forms of anti-fungal protocols might be proven futile. In other cases, a specific anti-fungal diet and supplementation, might be effective.


Biofilm is a sticky, slimy substance consisting of fibrin, bacterial break down products, polysaccharides and so on. Microbes can hide in biofilm, making it difficult for immune system and antimicrobial system to attack them. Using testing to identify biofilm is a perfect example where body’s wisdom is paramount in achieving the best outcome. For example, anyone can start attaching the biofilm using methods such as high dose enzymes. However, breaking down biofilm, can unleash a whole army of microbes that the body might not be equipped to deal with. Harnessing the body’s wisdom, we work in priority. We utilise methods which will enable the most smooth and effective healing to take place that an individual is ready for.


Mycotoxins are produced by molds or fungi and may be present in the fat tissue, in the brain and so on. Getting rid of the mold and fungal issue might not be enough and mycotoxins might have to be addressed specifically.


Hypercoagulation occurs when fibrin forms quicker than it can be degraded. This happens either because of over production or insufficient breakdown. Fibrin is an insoluble protein that forms a fibrous mesh that impedes the flow of the blood. This can lead to conditions such as strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages and deep vain thrombosis. Fibrin is similar to biofilm in that pathogens can “hide” there. Addressing hyper coagulation can be a piece of the puzzle for clients with chronic conditions, who can’t get better despite “having done everything”.

Nutrient deficiencies

Due to soil depletion, pesticides, herbicides, radiation of our food supply and so on, most people are nutrient deficient. Malabsorption, is another reason for nutrient deficiencies. Intestinal inflammation, low stomach acids, parasites, candida, leaky gut, are just some of the reasons why people might not be absorbing their food efficiently. Testing can identify what nutrients the body is deficient in, however simple supplementation might not be addressing the cause of deficiencies. Once the primary causes of nutritional deficiencies are addressed, people need much lower doses of supplements and need to take them for a shorter period of time. Killing off microbes, opening up detoxification pathways, pulling metals out of storage and removing adverse foods can decrease the need for many nutrients or can temporarily increase the need for others.

Supplement Testing

I ask people to bring supplements they are currently taking to test during the session. Some supplements might actually be weakening because of poor quality. Some people might react to packaging, fillers and extraction method. Some herbal product from questionable sources can be infected and/or be chemically treated. At other times, the product by itself is of supreme quality but it might be inappropriate to use at that moment in time. For example, it might cause too much of a bacterial die off or detoxification, which their routs of elimination such as liver, bowels and lungs are not ready to handle. This, in turn will make the client worse than they were in the first place. Also, people might have sensitivities to individual ingredients such as a particular herb in products with multiple ingredients, so an otherwise good product, might not be appropriate for them. Supplements that I work with, are of supreme quality and are broad spectrum in their application, therefore they can go a long way towards health restoration.

Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) Sensitivity

People have their own Electro Magnetic Field. Nerve impulses are transmitted electromagnetically. In the body, all the internal moist tissues are electrically conductive. On the subtle level, the meridian system is electromagnetic. Accupoints have a higher electrical charge and lower resistance than the tissue surrounding it. Our own EMF can be disturbed by anything that is plugged in, has a battery or WiFi. Very high frequency electromagnetic particles (photons) like X-Rays and tanning booths can breach chemical bonds and even damage DNA. When explaining what EMFs are, I like to use the analogy of radio waves. Every person is like a radio channel that has its own frequency. When two frequencies interfere with one another, you get a crackling noise and maybe some transmission from different radio stations. This makes it difficult to hear the program that you tuned into. If EMF sensitivity is detected, it means that this individual gets more affected by the external EMFs than others. This could be due to high level of exposure, such as working in an office with a lot of electrical equipment or having a weakened body. Once we detect EMF sensitivity, we can do some work in the session to strengthen the person. In some instances, they may need to be more careful with EMF exposure and may need to purchase some EMF protecting tools.

Organ Screening

Organ screening is done biomagnetically and is not a diagnosis of a disfunction in the tested organs. Most organ findings are secondary to dysbiosis, food sensitivities, metal sensitivities and so on. Addressing the primary causes of the symptoms usually resolves the organ findings. Organ screening is useful, however, as an indication of client progress.

Symptoms and conditions related to food intolerance include

  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain
  • Gas, cramps or bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Irritability or nervousness
  • Anxiety (acute or chronic)
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Bed wetting
  • Bloating
  • Bronchitis
  • Coeliac Disease
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gastritis
  • Headaches
  • Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Insomnia
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Itchy skin problems
  • Malabsorption
  • Migraine
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Water retention
  • Weight control problems



How long does it take?

A consultation will take approximately 1 hour and the results are instantaneous.

This simple test takes approximately one hour, no needles involved, painless but informative and gives you the chance to change your life forever!


Who can be


This test is suitable for anyone other than those with a pacemaker and any aged child subject to them being on solid foods.

If you are taking prescribed medication this will not interfere with the test.


After the test

You will be given a helpful booklet of invaluable information as well as your test results and advice about how to deal with your new regime of cutting out aggravating foods and replacing them with nutritious and acceptable foods.

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